Glyn Morrill and Oriol Valentin

  • Area: LaLo
  • Level: A
  • Week: 1
  • Room:


The displacement calculus is a sublinear intuitionistic logic extending the Lambek calculus with a logic of holes, contexts, and plugging. The extension is conservative, free of structural rules, and continues to enjoy Cut-elimination and its corollaries the subformula property, the finite reading property and decidability. In this course we present displacement calculus and explain as case studies medial relativisation (overt movement) and quantifier scoping (covert movement). We provide technical analyses of Cut-elimination, models, and generative power, and we aim to draw come conclusions on the logical, linguistic and computational state of the art of categorial grammar making comparisons with Lambda Grammar, Hybrid Type Logical Grammar, and Lambek-Grishin Calculus.


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