Oliver Kutz and Till Mossakowski
- Area: LoCo
- Level: I
- Week: 1
- Room:
There is a diversity of ontology languages in use, among them OWL, RDF, OBO, Common Logic, and F-logic. Related languages such as UML class diagrams, entityrelationship diagrams and object role modelling provide bridges from ontology modelling to applications, e.g. in software engineering and databases. Also in model-driven engineering, there is a diversity of diagrams: UML consists of 15 different diagram types, and SysML provides further types. Finally, in software and hardware specifcation, a variety of formalisms are in use, like Z, VDM, first-order logic, temporal logic etc.
Another diversity appears at the level of ontology, model and specification modularity and relations among ontologies, specifications and models. There is ontology matching and alignment, module extraction, interpolation, ontologies linked by bridges, interpretation and refinement, and combination of ontologies, models and specifications. The Distributed Ontology, Modeling and Specification Language (DOL) aims at providing a unified metalanguage for handling this diversity. In particular, DOL provides constructs for
- “as-is” use of ontologies, models and specifications (OMS) formulated (as a logical theory) in a specific ontology, modelling or specification language,
- OMS formalised in heterogeneous logics,
- modular OMS,
- mappings between OMS,
- networks of OMS, and
- queries.
The final DOL specification was submitted as a standard to the Object Management
Group (OMG) in early 2015. This course will introduce syntax and semantics of the DOL language, discuss a number of modelling and interoperability problems that can be addressed with DOL,
and introduce to the use of available DOL tools.