Antony Galton (University of Exeter, UK) Presentation slides and notes: Bolzano Notes Bolzano Slides Part 1 Bolzano Slides Part 2 Bolzano Slides Part 3 Bolzano Slides Part 4 Bolzano Slides Part 5 Below further suggested readings and session detail. Suggested Readings Part 1: Continuants and Occurrents Johanna Seibt. Process Philosophy. In E. […]
James Pustejovsky Area: LoCo Level: A Week: 1 Room: Abstract The notion of event has long been central for both modeling the semantics of natural language as well as reasoning in goal-driven tasks in artificial intelligence. This course examines developments in computational models for events, bringing together recent work from the areas of semantics, logic, […]
Shravan Vasishth and Felix Engelmann Area: LoCo Level: F Week: 1 Room: Abstract Sentence comprehension, a field of research within psycholinguistics, is concerned with the study of the cognitive processes that unfold when we hear or read a sentence. The focus is on developing theories and models about how sentence comprehension (parsing) works. The last […]
Glyn Morrill and Oriol Valentin Area: LaLo Level: A Week: 1 Room: Abstract The displacement calculus is a sublinear intuitionistic logic extending the Lambek calculus with a logic of holes, contexts, and plugging. The extension is conservative, free of structural rules, and continues to enjoy Cut-elimination and its corollaries the subformula property, the finite reading […]
Oleg Verbitsky Area: LoCo Level: A Week: 1 Room: Abstract We will study the relationship between the definability of graphs in first-order logic and the computational complexity of the graph isomorphism and homomorphism problems. If every graph in a class of graphs $C$ is definable with $k$ variables, then the isomorphism problem for $C$ is […]
Oliver Kutz and Till Mossakowski Area: LoCo Level: I Week: 1 Room: Abstract There is a diversity of ontology languages in use, among them OWL, RDF, OBO, Common Logic, and F-logic. Related languages such as UML class diagrams, entityrelationship diagrams and object role modelling provide bridges from ontology modelling to applications, e.g. in software engineering […]
Dmitry Chistikov and Rayna Dimitrova Area: LoCo Level: I Week: 1 Room: Abstract Model counting for logical theories, also known as #SMT, generalizes such problems as counting the number of satisfying assignments of Boolean formulae and computing the volume of polytopes in a multi-dimensional space. These problems are becoming more and more important in various […]
The timetable for the program can be found at the bottom of this page. Confirmed courses include: Alessandro Artale Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy Reasoning over Ontologies and Conceptual Models Abstract: The aim of the course is to provide students with an understanding of the formal foundations of classical logic-based knowledge representation languages, with an overview […]